General Administration Committee

General Administration Committee (GAC) Bylaws


The General Administration Committee is composed of twelve voting members and the Vice President for Administration and Finance, who serves as an ex-officio non-voting member. The committee is composed of 5 faculty members, 2 undergraduate students, 2 staff members, and 3 administrators. The purpose of the committee is to initiate, review, and recommend administrative policies and procedures derived from all components of the University and/or referred by the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Faculty representation on all standing committees is determined by university-wide elections held at the beginning of each academic year. The by-laws of all standing committees are written to ensure that the broadest possible faculty representation is attained within the constraints of each committee鈥檚 overall size. Committee members representing other constituencies on campus are either elected or appointed based on the specific committee鈥檚 by-laws.

A. Size
o The committee shall have twelve voting members and one ex-officio non-voting member.

B. Composition

  • The Vice President for Administration and Finance (or designee) as an ex-officio non-voting member.
  • Five faculty members (one each from Liberal Arts. Science and Technology, Business, Education, and one faculty member who is not a member of the four colleges).
  • Two undergraduate students.
  • Two AFSCME staff members.
  • Three Administrators/Management one of which will serve as chair.

C. Selection

  • Faculty shall be elected at-large through the annual APSCUF process.
  • Student members shall be selected by the CGA.
  • AFSCME members shall be appointed by the AFSCME Executive Board.
  • Administrators/Management shall be selected by the Vice President for Administration and Finance or designee.

D. Length of Term

  • Faculty shall be elected at-large through the annual APSCUF process.
  • Student members shall be selected by the CGA.
  • AFSCME members shall be appointed by the AFSCME Executive Board.
  • Administrators/Management shall be selected by the Vice President for Administration and Finance or designee.

Jurisdiction and Responsibility

1. The committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. The jurisdiction and
responsibilities of the committee shall coincide with those of the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
2. The committee shall review and recommend, administrative policies derived from components of the university and/or when such
policies are referred to the committee by the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
3. Policies pertaining to procedures for billing, personnel, mail, and duplicating will be recommended, by the GAC, directly to the Vice President for Administration and Finance for approval and implementation. These will be received as information items in the Forum.
4. The committee or Chairperson may establish sub-committees as deemed necessary.

Operating Procedures

1. The committee shall operate under the general procedures defined in the controlling University Governance document.
2. A simple majority of the committee members is required to hold a meeting.
3. To enact by a vote this majority must include at least one member from at least three of the four voting constituencies identified in section B Composition.
4. The Chairperson will vote only to break ties.
5. Roles of alternates will be governed by the Governance Structure
6. Voting by electronic means may occur. Failing to respond to vote removes the member from the quorum count and vote.

Amendments to Operating Procedures

The committee shall establish, by two-thirds vote of its members, bylaws governing the operation of the committee.

Amendments to the Composition or Responsibility of the Committee

Amendments to the composition or responsibility of the committee shall be adopted by two-thirds vote of its members and the consent of the Vice President for Administration and Finance. These changes will be received as informational items in the Forum.

Document History

Revised December 6, 2016
Revised February 10, 2017